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    Add Style

    Allows the user to add a new style, which can be a blank file, a pre-existing file, or a new file copied from a pre-existing style. The addition screen has the following information:

    Name: Name of the style. Required field.

    Automatically generate name: The name of the style will be automatically generated depending on the selected options.

    Description: Descriptive text of the style.

    Copy from: Determines whether to create a new style based on the selected style. This option lists all styles respecting the levels of isolation. Styles that have isolation either Isolated or Shared that do not include the current service instance are not listed.

    Code language: Determines which language will be used in the style. By default, LumisXP allows XSL, JavaScript, Groovy and Thymeleaf.

    Isolation: Level of isolation of the style. The isolation options are:

    • Isolated: Defines that the style can only be used in the current interface instance.
    • Public: Defines that any interface instance can use the style. In this case, changes to the style will affect all other interfaces that use it.
    • Shared: Defines that the selected service instances by the user can use the style. In this case, changes to the style will affect all other interfaces that use it.

    File Path: Physical path where the file will be stored or where it is currently stored. Required filling field.

    Use default directory: If the default directory of the service should be used. By unchecking this option, the File Path can be edited.

    Create file: Indicates whether to create a new file or not. This option is used when you want to add a new style based on a pre-existing file. It is important to highlight that two styles cannot reference the same physical file. That is, when trying to add a new style using a pre-existing file, it will be validated whether the file is already used by another style.

    Service Instances: Displays a list of service instances to share the style. This is only displayed if the Isolation "Shared" is selected.