Interface Panels
The Interface Panels are editable areas of service interfaces of the page template. They can be located in various regions of the template, thus determining the location of the interfaces to be instantiated on pages that have such a template applied.
A page template, when created, has as default an interface panel. It is the responsibility of the portal administrator to add as many panels as necessary in different areas of the template. To do this, just perform the "drag and drop" of the Interface Panel option located on the right side of the editing area.
The figure below displays a page template with three interface panels and a "drag and drop" of a panel.
For example, a template can have instances of the services interfaces Search, Login, Navigation Bar that can be replicated on each page of the portal that has the template applied. The layout defined in a template cannot be changed on any other page, meaning no instance of the template interface can be removed from the pages associated with this template. Therefore, an interface panel is used to delimit the editable areas where it is possible to add and remove instances of interfaces on the pages.
The figure below displays a page associated with a template. When the template is applied to a page, the areas defined in the template become disabled, preventing instances of interfaces from being removed from them. Additionally, the instances of interfaces have a “T” to distinguish the template interfaces from those that are page-specific.