Publisher Profile
This profile is similar to the User profile, however, it allows for administrative tasks through the modes belonging to this profile, such as Content Management.
Access to this profile is possible through the dropdown available at the top left corner of the page, by clicking on one of the highlighted modes below:
The Publisher profile encompasses the modes of Content Management, Context Editing, Positioning widgets, and Customer Experience.
The Customer Experience is divided into two areas: Data Analysis and User Segmentation.
In order for a user to access the Publisher profile, they must have permission in at least one of its modes. To allow a given user to access the profile, you need to go to the desired channel or page, right-click, and then select "Access Control". In the pop-up displayed, select the desired user and check the "Publish Content" checkbox, which would grant permission for Customization, for example. If you wish to deny access to the mode, you need to select the "Deny" checkbox. For more information on Access Control, please visit Portal Access Control.
If a user does not have sufficient permissions or does not have permission in any mode of the Publisher profile, the buttons will not appear.
Navigation Between Modes:
From each of these modes, it is possible to navigate to the others, as long as the user has such permission; if not, the option for the mode will be disabled. To navigate to the desired Mode, you only need to click on the mode in the displayed bar.
Navigation Between Views:
From this profile, it is possible to navigate to the Administrator profile (Portal Studio, Settings) if permitted, through the dropdown of available modes, and to the User profile (Browse as user), which is accessible via the modes dropdown, as well as by pressing the F2 key.