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    Portal Profiles

    Portal Profiles are access perspectives for the Lumis Portal. Through them, Lumis can be represented in different ways, each with its own unique modes. Users will only have access to the modes for which they have permission. The available Profiles are Administrator, Publisher, and User.

    Navigation Between Profiles:

    To change the profile you wish to navigate, you need to access the dropdown on the left of the top bar and select the desired mode. If any of these modes are not accessible to a user, they will not be displayed in this list for that user.


    Flow of Administrative Activities

    The standard content administration contains the notification interface of the Activity Stream service. It is configured to show activities aimed at content publishers, with a priority of 0.6 or higher, and it also utilizes the scope filters: lum_objectAdmin and lum_portalAdmin.


    The figure above shows an example of notifications with 22 unread activities.