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    Customization of XSL

    The LumisXP allows the use of XSL to transform XML into the HTML that should be displayed by the browser.

    While XML primarily concerns itself with the semantic representation of the content, it is also necessary to define the format in which this content is displayed. Thus, XSL was defined for the purpose of transforming XML documents into another document. For example, an XSL document can be used to transform XML into HTML, allowing the content to be displayed in any HTML interpreter. In the example, see the example below:



    Based on the information above, this section aims to inform how to customize interfaces through XSL code. This means that interfaces can adopt customized XSL instead of the standard XSL. The assignment of XSL files can be seen in the section about Interface Instance Customization.

    The LumisXP allows the customization of interface styles through the implementation of new XSL files. Customizing XSL files would mean treating the data coming from XML differently.

    The standard XSL files of the product are located in the lumisdata/def/lumis/service/xxxx/style directory, where XXXX is the service directory.

    These files can be accessed in an XSL editor via the “Style” option by right-clicking on the interface, but they should never be edited because they are standard XSL files of the product and will be overwritten with each upgrade.

    To create other XSL files and completely customize the presentation layer of the service interface (structure and layout), add new styles and save the XSL files in the lumisdata/def/yyyy/services/xxxx/style directories, where YYYY is the project directory and XXXX is the service directory.

    When adding new XSL files to a service interface, one has the option to create a blank XSL file or copy from the code of a standard file. If copying from a standard file, care must be taken with the path of the <xsl:import /> in the file, as they will be modified.

    When a blank XSL is created, the product already brings the basic structure mounted. From this structure, the XSL will be customized or constructed, allowing for future customization of the XSL.

    The example below shows the addition of a new XSL style file for the Menu interface of the Navigation Bar service for customization purposes.

    As the name for the file, Vertical.xsl was chosen, and the code will be implemented in the XSL code snippet above, where it says “Here goes the style code”.


    In LumisXP, the information from XML is organized into controls. The XSL uses information from these controls and, once customized, displays information from these controls in various ways.

    Customizing Lumis interfaces entails customizing the Lumis controls used in rendering them.