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    The LumisXP allows you to develop styles in Groovy. To create a style in Groovy, simply create the style and choose the programming language "Groovy".

    Groovy is an object-oriented programming language developed for the Java platform as an alternative to the Java programming language. See the Groovy page for more information.

    For information about the script format for a style in LumisXP, see the topic Styles in Thymeleaf, Javascript, and Groovy.

    Below is an example of a Groovy style similar to that of Quick List from the news service:

    In the example above, utility methods provided by LumisXP. For complete information about them, see the topic Variable lum_xpath

    List<Node> lum_xpath.selectNodes(String xpath)

    Returns a list with all Node type Elements with the provided XPath.

    Map<String, Object> lum_xpath.toMap(Node node)

    Returns a Map<String, Object> representing the provided Node. The conversion rules can be found on the page IXPath.
