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    Namespace page

    As a standard, every Layout File has this namespace declared allowing the use of its tags and attributes in HTML. Customization of this configuration can be done by setting the namespace xmlns:page="" in the first element of the file.



    Used to identify the tag <html> of the Layout File.

    When its value is "true", the lang and xml:lang attributes of the tag are added or updated according to the language in which the page is being generated.


    Used to identify the tag <title> of the Layout File.

    When its value is "true", the content of the tag is updated according to the title dynamically generated by the page.


    Used for automatic code injection simplifying the HTML of the Layout File. Its operation depends on the tag it is being applied to. Its value is inherited from the parent element and the default value is "true".

    • tag <html>

      If applied to this tag, the attribute page:html="true" is injected.

    • tag <head>

      If applied to this tag, the codes <page:headScript>, <page:metas>, <page:links> and <title page:title="true"> are injected if they are not present. If the <title> tag already exists in the head, it is reused by adding the attribute page:title="true".

    • tag <body>

      If applied to this tag, the tags <page:bodyHeader> and <page:bodyFooter> are injected at the beginning and end of the <body> tag, respectively.


    Used to define the areas where interface instances can be dragged on the page. When there is more than one interface instance in the holder, a tag <div> wrapping each interface instance is added. When there are no interface instances, Portal Studio displays the sample HTML.


    Used inside the tag that has the attribute page:holder when you want to detail the html between the interface instances and the element used to wrap them.



    Used to add internal code blocks from LumisXP in the tag <head>.


    Used to add the meta tag settings of the pages


    Used to add the style settings of the pages.


    Used to add internal code blocks from LumisXP at the beginning of the tag <body>.


    Used to add internal code blocks from LumisXP at the end of the tag <body>.


    Used to add dynamic content without rendering its own tag.
