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    Each element <processAction> defines a process action handler, which can be defined as one of the standard handlers of the product through the type attribute, or it can be customized through the className attribute, which indicates the Java class of the handler. If a process action needs to execute more than one handler, there will be more than one element <processAction> with the same value for the “id” attribute. In this case, when a process action with that identifier is triggered, all process actions with that identifier are executed, in the order they are defined within the element <processActions>.

    Example of defining a process action for a specific interface:

    Another example: The button control Ok (lum_okButton), when clicked, triggers the process action with identifier “commit”. The type with the value tableAddData indicates that the class for the process action handler will be TableAddDataProcessActionHandler, responsible for adding data from a form into a database table.

    In the definition of the process action, there are two types of responses: doui_refreshParent, which instructs the rendering to refresh the parent page of the pop-up interface window, and doui_closeWindow, which instructs the rendering to close the pop-up interface window.