DOUI Definition File
To use the DOUI in building the service, it is necessary to create a configuration XML file named douidefinition.xml that must be located in the same directory as the servicedefinition.xml.
This file contains a set of definitions that are used by the DOUI framework. It defines the sources, controls, and process action handlers that will be used.
The douidefinition.xml is divided into two main parts: definition of the service and interfaces.
Example of the file: douidefinition.xml
The order in which the sources are declared in the douidefinition.xml file must follow the following rule:
If there is a source B that contains a foreign key to source A, it must be declared before source B in the douidefinition.xml file. This is because, when the service instance is deleted, all data related to that instance is also removed. This deletion is performed by removing data from the sources, starting from the last sources declared in the doudefinition.xml to the first.
Within the "service" node, all global sources that exist for the specified service are defined, as well as possible relationships between them.
The definition of an interface has 4 sections: sources, hyperLinks, controls, and processActions. It must be contained within the "interfaces" node.