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    In controls, the types of controls (form, button, label...) that should be part of the front-end of the interface are specified.

    Example of defining the controls of an interface specified in the douidefinition that will be rendered:

    The controls follow the following rule: If the control has a parent, it inherits its resources and then includes its own. Its resource takes precedence over the resource of the parent control. If the control does not have a parent, it inherits resource from the interface.

    The figure below displays the front-end rendered using the control configuration shown earlier.


    The flexibility of using controls allows the possibility of inheritance, enabling specific controls to be altered while maintaining the entire inherited control structure.

    The DOUI framework passes the following information to the XSL’s, which may or may not be used to generate the final HTML interface. Such information will always be present in the XML generated for DOUI interfaces.

    They are:

    • isPrinting: indicates whether the page is in print mode or not. This information can be used, for example, if you want an interface to be printed with a layout different from what is being viewed. Therefore, it is necessary to know if the page is in print mode (using the print service Lumis) or not;
    • locale: informs the language that the current user is using;
    • serviceInstanceId: informs the identifier of the service instance;
    • serviceInstanceDebugLevel: informs the debug level of the service instance, specified in the "Advanced" tab, accessed via right-click on the interface. This value, by default, is "0";
    • pageId: informs the identifier of the page where the interface is instantiated;
    • channelId: informs the identifier of the channel where the service of such interface is instantiated;
    • userId: informs the identifier of the current user;
    • userName: informs the name of the current user;
    • userEmail: informs the email of the user, if they have one;
    • userLogin: informs the login of the current user.

    They are presented in the following manner in the XML tab of the Style of all DOUI interfaces (accessed through right-click on the interface):

    Control Permissions

    It is possible to assign a list of permissions from the ACL to any control:

    If in a list of controls, the permission of one of them is denied, its siblings are rendered normally.