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    Eclipse Configuration

    The recommended Eclipse distribution for the development environment is the Java EE version, which can be obtained at

    When starting Eclipse for the first time, you will be prompted to specify the location of the workspace to be used. In the example, C:\LumisPortalProjects\workspace was used.


    After starting Eclipse, you may notice that there are no projects, as shown in the following image:


    The first step in setting up the development environment is to import the project from LumisPortal. The LumisPortal installation contains the necessary files for integration with Eclipse.

    To import the project, right-click on the Project Explorer, then select the Import / Import option or go through the File / Import menu.


    After that, you should select the Existing Projects into Workspace option and click Next.


    On the next screen, you should select the root folder of the development environment artifacts ( C:\LumisPortalProjects, in the example ). After that, the LumisPortal project should be displayed with the name lumisportal. You should select it and click Finish.


    After this step, the LumisPortal project should now be displayed in the Project Explorer.


    After that, you should import the XML catalog to facilitate development. This file contains references to the portal's XSDs. To do this, you should again go to the Import option.


    On the import screen, you should select the XML Catalog option.


    When prompted, select the file lumisportal/development/eclipse/portal.xmlcatalog and click Finish.


    To check if the XML catalog was imported correctly, you can go to the Window -> Preferences -> XML -> XML Catalog option.


    In User Specified Entries there should be entries for the LumisPortal XSDs.

    After that, the douidefinition and servicedefinition templates should be imported, just import on the following screen in the eclipse preferences:


    After clicking the "Import..." button, select the xmltemplates.xml file located at "<lumisportal_installation>/development/eclipse".

    Upon completing the import, the following items should appear in the item listing:


    After that, the server must be configured by indicating the installation location of Apache Tomcat (in the example, /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.14/):


    It is necessary to modify some configurations of the created server. To do this, you need to double click on the server entry to open the editing screen.


    In addition to the options marked in the image above, in the runtime configurations ("Open launch configuration"), you need to add to the VM arguments: -Dlumis.portal.lumisDataPath=<lumisportal_installation>/lumisdata/.


    After these steps, LumisPortal can be started and will be available for access.

    It is recommended to use editable modules for development in LumisPortal. To create the first editable module, see the next section, Configuration of LumisPortal and Creation of the First Editable Module.