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    Replacement of Components

    A component can declare that it replaces another component. To do this, simply use the replace node in the component definition file. It is important to note that the component replaces a specific version of a component.

    When the component that replaces other components is installed, one of the following situations can occur:

    • None of the components that this component replaces are installed: in this case, the component will be installed normally, running its installation script.
    • All replaced components are installed in the correct versions to be replaced: in this case, the portal will execute a full update of the component, that is, an update that runs all the steps described in the update script, if there is one.
    • Any other situation: an error is generated and the deployment is not performed.

    Joint Replacement

    When a component is replaced by more than one component, the components that replace it must indicate that it is a joint replacement. This must be done in each component that replaced the original component.