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    The controls of the Content Framework are specific and are groupings of other common controls. Below is a table of the main ones.

    Content Controls

    Control Details Description
    lum_AutoLayoutContentEmbeddedPropertyPage Javadoc

    Renders a form on the page itself.

    lum_AutoLayoutContentList Javadoc

    Creates a form with a header and a list, whose content is associated with the source of the interface.

    lum_AutoLayoutContentQuickList Javadoc

    Renders a list with few contents, and displays a link to a complete list of them.

    lum_autoLayoutMetaDataInformation Javadoc

    Renders metadata specific to the source. Thus, the following controls are rendered:
    lum_autoLayoutLanguageInformation and

    lum_autolayoutworkflowinformation Javadoc

    Renders input fields related to workflow information.

    lum_imagePicker Javadoc

    Allows the user to insert an image, from a document selection interface, rendered from a specific button.

    lum_documentPicker Javadoc

    Allows the user to insert a document, from a document selection interface, rendered from a specific button.

    lum_autoLayoutContentPropertyPage Javadoc

    Renders a properties interface with the fields of the source displayed with label followed by the field value ("label: field value"). The metadata information is also rendered and located below the fields of the source.

    lum_autoLayoutContentFields Javadoc

    Renders a table with the fields of the source together with the labels. Unlike lum_autoLayoutFields, all metadata is ignored. The default input control is calculated at runtime based on the definition of the field. The following controls are rendered:
    lum_table and

    lum_autoLayoutContentDetails Javadoc

    This control extends the control lum_autoLayoutDetails, and is responsible for rendering information of type content.

    lum_autoLayoutContentAdministrationList Javadoc

    Specific for content type information. Extends the control lum_autoLayoutAdministrationList and is responsible for rendering the following controls:
    lum_autoAdminListButtons and

    lum_autoContentAdminListButtons Javadoc

    This control, intended for use with sources of type content, detects and automatically adds the following controls: lum_interfaceHeaderButtons, lum_addButton, lum_editButton, lum_deleteButton, lum_cloneDataButton, lum_versionsButton, lum_previewButton and lum_configureButton.

    lum_language Javadoc

    Used for changing the portal's language.

    lum_previewButton Javadoc

    This control inherits all properties from the standard button lum_button. It also has its own default properties. It detects if the service in which the button is rendered contains interfaces with the attribute isPreview set to "true". If not, this button is automatically removed. When the button is pressed, the preview interface is rendered.

    lum_lockButton Javadoc

    Includes the “(Un)Lock” button to change the current content's state.
    It is only displayed when the lock metadata is set for the service's source.

    lum_lockedMessage Javadoc

    Displays the message that the content is already locked for another publisher, if applicable.
    It is only shown when the lock metadata is set for the service's source.

    The flexibility of using controls in LumisXP lies in the ability to inherit controls, allowing only specific ones to be changed while maintaining the entire inherited control structure.