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    DOUI Framework

    The Doui Framework extends the classes available in the Portal Framework and adds development conveniences for front-ends for services that manipulate and visualize data. Hence the name DOUI (Data Oriented User Interface).

    The components responsible for data manipulation are:

    • Controls: The interfaces in DOUI services are made up of controls, which are the components responsible for presenting information and receiving user interaction. The data of a control is obtained from the Source associated with it;
    • Sources: The sources of a service/interface are the elements responsible for obtaining the data to be presented by the controls. The data obtained from the sources is typically tabular, meaning it consists of a set of results containing one or more records, with one or more data columns. The ones performing the data retrieval from a Source along with the corresponding back-end are the Data Providers;
    • Data Providers: The data providers are responsible for decoupling the sources, which are the data sources for the controls, from the back-ends of data, such as databases or web services;
    • Process Action Handlers: The process action handlers are responsible for executing actions triggered by user interaction with the controls of an interface, such as saving information in the back-end of data, sending an email, or navigating to another page.