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    Content Framework

    The Content Framework extends the classes of the DOUI Framework, adding to the services, content management functionalities, including:

    • Publishing;
    • Versioning;
    • Workflow;
    • Language association;
    • Content association;
    • Comments;
    • Automatic storage of metadata such as creation date, modification date, and responsible for creation and updates;
    • Title, Introduction, and keywords;

    The content management services may include one or several of these functionalities.

    The Lumis considers a content as that belonging to an instance of a service. When the instance is removed from the portal, its contents are also removed.

    The instances of a service must have isolated data repositories.

    Each content can have multiple languages. In turn, each content in a specific language has comments, multiple versions, an active version, and may have a published version.

    The active version is the current one available in the content administration interface. The published version is the one available in the list interfaces and adheres to the publication rules, such as the period for being available and the highlight period (if any). The visibility of the content is also determined by some states of the workflow. When there is a workflow, the published version is assigned to the saved version with a published state (approved state, for example). When transitioning to an archived state (or another customized state), the content ceases to have a published version.

    If the content has versioning, the active and published versions may be distinct. The active version is not necessarily the same as the published version. This is because Lumis allows an approved content to be revised without being taken out of publication. This means that the version of the published content is not necessarily the same as the content itself.