Package lumis.util

Class HtmlUtil

  • @StableMinor(version="17.0",
    public abstract class HtmlUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class for HTML decoding
    $Revision: 26587 $ $Date: 2024-08-26 21:09:17 -0300 (Mon, 26 Aug 2024) $
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.String inputHtml)
      Decodes a HTML string, replacing character references (&...;) by their corresponding characters.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String inputHtml)
      Encodes a HTML string, replacing extended characters by their corresponding character references.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String inputHtml, boolean useEntityRefs)
      Encodes a HTML string, replacing extended caracters by their corresponding character references if the parameter useEntityRefs is true
      static java.lang.String fixInvalidHtmlPattern​(java.lang.String inputHtml)
      Parses the input HTML string, fixes any invalid HTML patterns and returns the fixed result.
      static boolean isFragment​(java.lang.String html)
      Returns if the given HTML code is a fragment or if it contains a root html element.
      static void validateJSFragmentSafety​(java.lang.String jsFragment)
      Validates if a javascript code fragment is safe to be injected in a page.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • HtmlUtil

        public HtmlUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        public static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.String inputHtml)
        Decodes a HTML string, replacing character references (&...;) by their corresponding characters.

        e.g: coração -> coração

        For more information about HTML character references, see the section "5.3 Character references" of the HTML 4.01 Specification

        inputHtml - input HTML
        the HTML decoded
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String inputHtml)
        Encodes a HTML string, replacing extended characters by their corresponding character references.

        e.g: coração -> coração

        For more information about HTML character references, see the section "5.3 Character references" of the HTML 4.01 Specification

        inputHtml - the string to be encoded.
        the encoded string.
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String inputHtml,
                                              boolean useEntityRefs)
        Encodes a HTML string, replacing extended caracters by their corresponding character references if the parameter useEntityRefs is true

        e.g: coração -> coração

        else the replacement is done using the decimal reference

        e.g: coração -> coração

        For more information about HTML character references, see the section "5.3 Character references" of the HTML 4.01 Specification

        inputHtml - the string to be encoded.
        useEntityRefs - if HTML entities should be used during encoding.
        the encoded string.
      • fixInvalidHtmlPattern

        public static java.lang.String fixInvalidHtmlPattern​(java.lang.String inputHtml)
        Parses the input HTML string, fixes any invalid HTML patterns and returns the fixed result.
        input - HTML to be fixed
        the fixed HTML
      • validateJSFragmentSafety

        public static void validateJSFragmentSafety​(java.lang.String jsFragment)
        Validates if a javascript code fragment is safe to be injected in a page. This method is to be used when javascript codes are obtained from unsecure sources, such as a HTTP request parameter.

        Currently this method accepts code that contains only letters, numbers, underscore or period. These can be used to represent an object reference.

        jsFragment - the javascript code fragment.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the javascript code fragment is considered unsafe.
      • isFragment

        public static boolean isFragment​(java.lang.String html)
        Returns if the given HTML code is a fragment or if it contains a root html element.
        html - the HTML code.
        true if the given code is a fragment, or false if it contains a root html element.