Class NavigationDataProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NavigationDataProvider
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IDataProvider<TabularSource<?>>

    Data provider for returning the interfaces instances available for auto administration. This includes Channels, Service Instances and Interface Instances.

    The items are order so that if the user has selected to group by channel it should be ordered as follows:

            Channel 1 (by position)  
                    Service Instance (order by name)
                            Interface Instance (order by name)
    The items are order so that if the user has selected to group by service instance it should be ordered as follows:
            Service Instance (order by name)
                    Interface Instance (order by name)

    The structure of the row should be as follows:

    The values represented by each of these items are:
    If it's a channel, it will represent a channel id, if it's a service instance, it will represent the service instance's id, if it's a interface instance, it will repress it's id.
    The respective name of the object represented by the id (channel: channel's name; service instance: service instance's name; interface instance: interface instance's display name).
    the number of indents that will need to happen to correctly align the values as a tree.
    Indicates if the current value has children (i.e. channels or service instances). If the value is false, it represents an interface instance.
    Field created to help out in ordering. It indicates the current item's position within the parent channel if this item is a channel. If the value is smaller than 0, then the current item is either a Service Instance or as Interface Instance.
    The current item's type. CH for channel, SI for service instance or II for interface instance..

    $Revision: 24447 $ $Date: 2021-04-08 10:53:30 -0300 (Thu, 08 Apr 2021) $