Interface IPrincipalManagerSPI

    • Method Detail

      • getPrincipalPrincipals

        Principals getPrincipalPrincipals​(SessionConfig sessionConfig,
                                          java.lang.String principalId,
                                          boolean useSessionCache,
                                          ITransaction transaction)
                                   throws PortalException
        Returns the principals of the given principal.
        The return value will be:
        • If the given principal is a user: a set with an entry that is the given user itself and the result of the recursion in this method for each group and segmentation the user is member of. The segmentations will not be calculated if the given principal is the guest user and there is no current monitor user in current thread.
        • If the given principal is a user segmentation: a set with the given segmentation and the result of the recursion in this method with each group the given segmentation is member of.
        • If the given principal is a group: a set containing the given group and the result of a recursion in this method with each group the given group is member of.
        sessionConfig - the user's session.
        principalId - the principal identifier.
        useSessionCache - indicates whether the session cache should be used.
        transaction - the transaction.
        the principals of the given principal.