Class RadioButtonListControl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.util.Observer, VariableResolver, IControl, IDataBoundControl, IDataControl, IRenderer

    public class RadioButtonListControl
    extends DataBoundControl<TabularSource<?>>
    Control that renders a list of radio buttons. Used to render a list of radio buttons to allow the user to choose one of a given set of options. This control generally has two sources specified. One that returns/sets the value of the control and another that returns a list of options. The options may be optionally be explicitly provided within the control.

    Example use: <control:lum_radioButtonList id="categories2" dataId="categoryId" sourceId="categorySubscription" optionsSourceId="category" /> xml data available for xsl rendering: <control dataId="categoryId" id="categories" optionsSourceId="category" sourceId="modelCategory" type="lum_radioButtonList"> <data> <option> <text>Category A</text> <value>8A488A031108C9AE0111098E417C095A</value> </option> </data> </control>
    $Revision: 22202 $ $Date: 2018-12-17 15:54:36 -0200 (Mon, 17 Dec 2018) $