Interface IServiceInterfaceActionResponse

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String[] getRenderParameter​(java.lang.String key)
      This method may be removed in the future.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String[]> getRenderParameters()
      This method may be removed in the future.
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.portlet.ActionResponse

        sendRedirect, sendRedirect
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse

        addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, createElement, encodeURL, getNamespace, setProperty
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse

        getPortletMode, getRenderParameterMap, getWindowState, removePublicRenderParameter, setEvent, setEvent, setPortletMode, setRenderParameter, setRenderParameter, setRenderParameters, setWindowState
    • Method Detail

      • getRenderParameter

        java.lang.String[] getRenderParameter​(java.lang.String key)
        This method may be removed in the future. If the render parameter set needs to be read, consider storing it somewhere else, for example, as a request attribute. For better backwards compatibility in the doui framework, if the argument is "itemId" and no such render parameter exists, it is also searched in the request attributes.
        Returns the parameter previously set by the setRenderParameter methods. This method is usually used by chained process actions that need to read previously set render parameters.
        key -
      • getRenderParameters

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String[]> getRenderParameters()
        This method may be removed in the future. If the render parameter set needs to be read, consider storing it somewhere else, for example, as a request attribute. For better backwards compatibility in the doui framework, if no "itemId" render parameter exists, it is also searched in the request attributes.
        Returns all the parameters previously set by the setRenderParameter methods. This method is usually used by chained process actions that need to read previously set render parameters.