Class SourcePreDeleteDataEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • SourcePreDeleteDataEvent

        public SourcePreDeleteDataEvent​(Source<?> serviceSource,
                                        java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> itemIds)
        Creates a new event for before delete of source data.
        serviceSource - the source. By definition, must be the source at service level to prevent inconsistency.
        itemIds - the item identifiers being deleted.
    • Method Detail

      • getDeletedData

        public java.util.Collection<ISourceData> getDeletedData()
        Returns the data that will be deleted.

        This method may require reading the data from the persistence. So if the required information is available using another method of this event, it may be more efficient to use that other method.

        a collection of data that will be deleted. For optimizations purpose, the returned collection is reused on multiple calls to this method and the collection and its elements must not be modified to prevent incorrect result on future calls to this method.