Class AccessAuditLogger

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      IAccessAuditLogger accessedUserId​(java.lang.String accessedUserId)
      Sets the accessed user identifier (if any).
      IAccessAuditLogger action​(java.lang.String action)
      Sets the action performed when the access was generated (if any).
      IAccessAuditLogger area​(java.lang.String area)
      Sets the area from where the access was generated from (if any).
      IAccessAuditLogger category​(java.lang.String category)
      Sets the category from where the access was generated from (if any).
      IAccessAuditLogger currentUserId​(java.lang.String currentUserId)
      Sets the current user identifier (if any).
      IAccessAuditLogger extraParameters​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> extraParameters)
      Sets any desired extra parameters to be logged.
      void log()
      Log an access audit entry with no message.
      void log​(java.lang.String message)
      Log an access audit entry with the given message.
      IAccessAuditLogger url​(java.lang.String url)
      Sets the URL that generated the access.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessAuditLogger

        public AccessAuditLogger()
    • Method Detail

      • url

        public IAccessAuditLogger url​(java.lang.String url)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Sets the URL that generated the access. If the code that will log an access entry runs within a LumisXP request cycle (within a data provider, for example), the access URL will automatically be available to the log entry and may be omitted.
        Specified by:
        url in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        url - the accessed URL that generated the access.
        this logger to chain commands.
      • area

        public IAccessAuditLogger area​(java.lang.String area)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Sets the area from where the access was generated from (if any).
        Specified by:
        area in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        area - the area.
        this logger to chain commands.
      • category

        public IAccessAuditLogger category​(java.lang.String category)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Sets the category from where the access was generated from (if any).
        Specified by:
        category in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        category - the category.
        this logger to chain commands.
      • action

        public IAccessAuditLogger action​(java.lang.String action)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Sets the action performed when the access was generated (if any).
        Specified by:
        action in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        action - the action.
        this logger to chain commands.
      • accessedUserId

        public IAccessAuditLogger accessedUserId​(java.lang.String accessedUserId)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Sets the accessed user identifier (if any).
        Specified by:
        accessedUserId in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        accessedUserId - the accessed user identifier.
        this logger to chain commands.
      • extraParameters

        public IAccessAuditLogger extraParameters​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> extraParameters)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Sets any desired extra parameters to be logged.
        Specified by:
        extraParameters in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        extraParameters - the extra parameters.
        this logger to chain commands.
      • currentUserId

        public IAccessAuditLogger currentUserId​(java.lang.String currentUserId)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Sets the current user identifier (if any). If the code that will log an access entry does not add a current user identifier, the currently monitored user will try to be added automatically when the log happens.
        Specified by:
        currentUserId in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        currentUserId - the current user identifier.
        this logger to chain commands.
      • log

        public void log​(java.lang.String message)
        Description copied from interface: IAccessAuditLogger
        Log an access audit entry with the given message.
        Specified by:
        log in interface IAccessAuditLogger
        message - the message.