Class LinkToRuntimeTabularDataControl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.util.Observer, VariableResolver, IControl, IDataBoundControl, IDataControl, IRenderer

    public class LinkToRuntimeTabularDataControl
    extends AdvancedTabularDataControl
    Control to render a link to a runtime interface in a tabular data control. The runtimeInterfaceId element specifies the id of the runtime interface that must be called. Also, it is possible to specify a set of parameters. For each parameter it is possible to define the parameter name and the field id from which value will be retrieved. The attribute fieldId is required. The attribute name is optional. If it is not specified, the parameter will be set with the same name of the field.

    Example of a LinkToRuntimeTabularDataControl definition:

    <runtimeInterfaceId>viewItem</runtimeInterfaceId> <parameters> <parameter name="itemId" fieldId="entryId"/> </parameters>
    $Revision: 13092 $ $Date: 2011-05-28 18:19:06 -0300 (Sat, 28 May 2011) $