Class AbstractGroupMembershipProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractGroupMembershipProvider

        public AbstractGroupMembershipProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getGroupType

        protected GroupType getGroupType()
        Returns the group type this instance is providing group membership to. This value is set during init(GroupType).
        the group type.
      • init

        public void init​(GroupType groupType)
        Description copied from interface: IGroupMembershipProvider
        Initializes this membership provider to be used for the given group type.

        This method is the first method called after an instance creation.

        Specified by:
        init in interface IGroupMembershipProvider
        groupType - the group type.
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: IGroupMembershipProvider
        Indicates that this membership provider will no longer be used.

        This method may be used to clean up resources allocated in this instance. This instance is no longer used after this method is called.

        Specified by:
        destroy in interface IGroupMembershipProvider
      • deleteGroupMembershipData

        public void deleteGroupMembershipData​(java.lang.String groupId)
                                       throws PortalException
        Description copied from interface: IGroupMembershipProvider
        Deletes all data stored for managing the membership of a group. This method is called before a group is deleted, in the same transaction in which the deletion will be performed.

        This allows this provider to cleanup membership, configuration or other data that it stores for managing a group membership.

        This deletion process order is illustrated in the following diagram: IGroupMembershipProvider.deleteGroupConfiguration Sequence Diagram

        Specified by:
        deleteGroupMembershipData in interface IGroupMembershipProvider
        groupId - the group identifier.
      • deleteGroupTypeMembershipData

        public void deleteGroupTypeMembershipData()
                                           throws PortalException
        Description copied from interface: IGroupMembershipProvider
        Deletes all data stored for managing the membership of a group type. This method is called before a group type is deleted, in the same transaction in which the deletion will be performed.

        This allows this provider to cleanup membership, configuration or other data that it stores for managing a group type membership.

        Specified by:
        deleteGroupTypeMembershipData in interface IGroupMembershipProvider