Class MultiItemPickerControl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.util.Observer, VariableResolver, IControl, IDataBoundControl, IDataControl, IRenderer

    public class MultiItemPickerControl
    extends DataBoundControl<TabularSource<?>>
    Multiple item picker control.

    Allows the end user to add and remove multiple items.

    This control contains four significant properties. The id of the field that each of the items in its list represents, the id of that field that represents a user friendly name for the field that it represents, the primary key of each item, and finally an interface that is responsible for searching and selecting the items.

    The control renders a readonly user friendly name of each item with clear icon beside it. When the user selects the selection icon the specified search interface is popped passing the javascript function name that should be called to include the identifier and friendly name of the item.

    Example use:

    <control:lum_multiItemPicker id="To" sourceId="messageUser" itemKeyFieldId="userId" itemNameFieldId="userName"> <searchInterfaceId>selectUser</searchInterfaceId> </control:lum_multiItemPicker>
    xml data available for xsl rendering: <control dataId="userId" displayDataId="userName" id="userId.userId" sourceId="default" type="lum_itemPicker"> <searchInterfaceId>lumis.service.sample.selectusingsearch.selectUser</searchInterfaceId> <control id="8A488A0F158A409701158A42522F0095" type="lum_requiredValueValidator"/> <data> <item> <id>00000000D00000000000000000000004</id> <displayString>LumisPageCacheUser</displayString> </item> <openPopupScript><!-- javascript for opening a pop to select an item --></openPopupScript> <selectItemFunction><!-- javascript function that is called by the pop to set the id and display name of the item selected --></selectItemFunction> <clearItemScript><!-- javascript to clear the id and name selected --></clearItemScript> </data> </control> selectUser Form_8A488A0F15D262380115D2C1D8AC0327 Form_8A488A0F15D262380115D2C1D8AC0327_To
    $Revision: 20825 $ $Date: 2017-12-11 14:43:21 -0200 (Mon, 11 Dec 2017) $