Class PaneControl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.util.Observer, VariableResolver, IControl, IDataBoundControl, IDataControl, IRenderer
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PaneControl
    extends DataBoundControl
    Used to render one of the (n) specified panes when rendering an interface. This control by default renders the first pane. However as a result of a process action or a render action the pane that is displayed may be changed. This pane control is associated with an id and the control listens for this id in the request parameters in order to determine what pane to display.

    Example use: <control:lum_pane id="pane" sourceId="none"> <pane id="form"> <!-- Sub controls --> </pane> <pane id="updatedSubscription"> <!-- Sub controls --> </pane> </control:lum_pane> xml data available for xsl rendering: <control id="pane" sourceId="none" type="lum_pane"> <pane id="form"> <!-- Sub controls --> </pane> <pane id="updatedSubscription"> <!-- Sub controls --> </pane> </control:lum_pane>
    $Revision: 6166 $ $Date: 2007-03-16 15:29:00 -0300 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) $