Uses of Interface
Uses of IResource in
Fields in declared as IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected IResource
ChatControllerXml. chatResource
protected IResource
ChatClock. resource
protected IResource
ChatManager. resource
Methods in that return types with arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IResource>
ChatHistoryControl. getResources()
Method parameters in with type arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description String
ChatManager. getMessagesXml(SessionConfig sessionConfig, Collection<ChatMessageConfig> chatMessageConfigs, boolean getMessagesToModerate, List<IResource> resources, ITransaction transaction)
IChatManager. getMessagesXml(SessionConfig sessionConfig, Collection<ChatMessageConfig> chatMessageConfigs, boolean getMessagesToModerate, List<IResource> resources, ITransaction transaction)
Returns the xml for the given messages. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.content
Classes in lumis.content that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for contentConstructors in lumis.content with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ContentException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ContentException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.content with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ContentException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ContentException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.autolayout
Methods in lumis.content.control.autolayout that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
AutoLayoutAssociationInformationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutCategorizationAssociationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutContentIdentificationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutLanguageInformationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutMetaDataInformationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutPublishingInformationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutSeoInformationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutTagInformationControl. getControlResource()
AutoLayoutWorkflowInformationControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.comments
Methods in lumis.content.control.comments that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
CommentsControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.language
Methods in lumis.content.control.language that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
LanguageControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals
Methods in lumis.content.control.publishtoprincipals that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
PublishToPrincipalsControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances
Methods in lumis.content.control.publishtoserviceinstances that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
PublishToServiceInstancesControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork
Methods in lumis.content.control.publishtosocialnetwork that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
PublishToSocialNetworkControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.tag
Methods in lumis.content.control.tag that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
InputTagControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.control.workflow
Methods in lumis.content.control.workflow that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
SelectWorkflowControl. getControlResource()
WorkflowSendToControl. getControlResource()
Methods in lumis.content.control.workflow that return types with arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IResource>
WorkflowMetaDataControl. getResources()
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.source.field.type
Methods in lumis.content.source.field.type that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
WorkflowStateDataType.Data. getWorkflowResource()
Methods in lumis.content.source.field.type with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description void
WorkflowStateDataType.Data. setWorkflowResource(IResource workflowResource)
Constructors in lumis.content.source.field.type with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description Data(WorkflowStateConfig state, IResource workflowResource)
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.table
Constructors in lumis.content.table with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description NoActiveVersionPossibleMappingException(String arg0, IResource resource)
NoActiveVersionPossibleMappingException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.content.table with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description NoActiveVersionPossibleMappingException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
NoActiveVersionPossibleMappingException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.wizard
Classes in lumis.content.wizard that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Constructors in lumis.content.wizard with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ContentWizardException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ContentWizardException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.content.wizard with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ContentWizardException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ContentWizardException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.content.workflow
Classes in lumis.content.workflow that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for the workflow framework.Methods in lumis.content.workflow that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
WorkflowConfig. getResource()
Returns the localization resource for this workflow.Constructors in lumis.content.workflow with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description WorkflowException(String arg0, IResource resource)
WorkflowException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.content.workflow with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description WorkflowException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
WorkflowException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui
Classes in lumis.doui that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Strings resource for DOUI.Constructors in lumis.doui with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description DouiException(String arg0, IResource resource)
DouiException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.doui with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description DouiException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
DouiException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control
Classes in lumis.doui.control that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource that all control strings should extend.Fields in lumis.doui.control declared as IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected IResource
Control. controlResource
Fields in lumis.doui.control with type parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<IResource>
Control. resources
Methods in lumis.doui.control that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
Control. getControlResource()
IControl. getControlResource()
ValidatorControl. getControlResource()
Methods in lumis.doui.control that return types with arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IResource>
Control. getResources()
IControl. getResources()
Constructors in lumis.doui.control with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ControlException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ControlException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.doui.control with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ControlException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ControlException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.autorefresh
Methods in lumis.doui.control.autorefresh that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
AutoRefreshControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.button
Methods in lumis.doui.control.button that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
AccessControlButton. getControlResource()
ButtonControl. getControlResource()
DeleteButtonControl. getControlResource()
PositionFieldOrderButtonControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.datepicker
Methods in lumis.doui.control.datepicker that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
CalendarControl. getControlResource()
DateTimePickerControl. getControlResource()
MonthPickerControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.fileupload
Methods in lumis.doui.control.fileupload that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
FilesPickerControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.filter
Methods in lumis.doui.control.filter that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
FiltersControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor
Methods in lumis.doui.control.htmleditor that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
HtmlEditorBlocksValidatorControl. getControlResource()
HtmlEditorControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.interfaceheaderbuttons
Methods in lumis.doui.control.interfaceheaderbuttons that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
InterfaceHeaderButtonsControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.itempicker
Methods in lumis.doui.control.itempicker that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
ItemPickerControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.label
Methods in lumis.doui.control.label that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
LabelControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload
Methods in lumis.doui.control.multifileupload that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
MultiFileUploadControl. getControlResource()
MultiFileUploadExtensionCheckControl. getControlResource()
MultiFileUploadRequiredValueValidatorControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.pagination
Methods in lumis.doui.control.pagination that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
PaginationControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.principalpicker
Methods in lumis.doui.control.principalpicker that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
PrincipalPickerControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance
Methods in lumis.doui.control.selectserviceinstance with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IChannelChild>
ServiceInstanceProvider. getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String parentChannelIds, boolean hidePages, boolean hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
ServiceInstanceProvider. getChildrenData(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String channelId, int hideItems, int hideItemTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.tabulardata
Methods in lumis.doui.control.tabulardata that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
TabularDataControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.control.validator
Methods in lumis.doui.control.validator that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
DateCompareValidatorControl. getControlResource()
DateDataTypeValidatorControl. getControlResource()
EmailValidatorControl. getControlResource()
FileNameValidatorControl. getControlResource()
FileSizeValidatorControl. getControlResource()
IntegerDataTypeValidatorControl. getControlResource()
LengthValidatorControl. getControlResource()
NumberDataTypeValidatorControl. getControlResource()
RegularExpressionValidatorControl. getControlResource()
RequiredValuesDescriptorControl. getControlResource()
RequiredValueValidatorControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.processaction
Methods in lumis.doui.processaction that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description protected IResource
ProcessActionHandler. getResource()
Returns the interface resource. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.doui.render
Methods in lumis.doui.render that return types with arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IResource>
IRenderer. getResources()
Returns the localization resources to be used in the value render. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal
Classes in lumis.portal that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for the portalFields in lumis.portal with type parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<IResource>
PortalException. resources
Methods in lumis.portal that return types with arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IResource>
PortalException. getResources()
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.acl
Classes in lumis.portal.acl that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.activitystream
Methods in lumis.portal.activitystream that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
ActivityAction. getStringResource()
Returns the string resource used to localize this action's strings.IResource
ActivityObjectType. getStringResource()
Returns the string resource used to localize this object type's strings.Methods in lumis.portal.activitystream with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description void
ActivityAction. setStringResource(IResource stringResource)
Sets the string localization resource paths for this action based on a string localization resource object.void
ActivityObjectType. setStringResource(IResource stringResource)
Sets the string localization resource paths for this object type based on a string localization resource object. -
Uses of IResource in
Methods in that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
EmailNotifierVariableResolver.ActionDecorator. getStringResource()
EmailNotifierVariableResolver.ObjectTypeDecorator. getStringResource()
Methods in with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description void
EmailNotifierVariableResolver.ActionDecorator. setStringResource(IResource stringResource)
EmailNotifierVariableResolver.ObjectTypeDecorator. setStringResource(IResource stringResource)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.authentication
Constructors in lumis.portal.authentication with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description LoginFailedInvalidUserException(String arg0, IResource resource)
LoginFailedInvalidUserException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
LoginFailedUserDisabledException(String arg0, IResource resource)
LoginFailedUserDisabledException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.authentication with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description LoginFailedInvalidUserException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
LoginFailedInvalidUserException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
LoginFailedUserDisabledException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
LoginFailedUserDisabledException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal
Constructors in lumis.portal.businesscontext.internal with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description BusinessContextNotEnabledForCurrentChannelException(String message, IResource resource)
Constructor that receives the massage and the resource to translate it.BusinessContextPropertyNotFoundException(String message, IResource resource)
Constructor that receives the massage and the resource to translate it. -
Uses of IResource in
Constructors in with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ChannelPrefixInUseException(String channelUsingPrefixId, String prefix, IResource resource)
ChannelPrefixInUseException(String channelUsingPrefixId, String prefix, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ChannelPrefixInUseException(String channelUsingPrefixId, String prefix, List<IResource> resources)
ChannelPrefixInUseException(String channelUsingPrefixId, String prefix, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in
Methods in with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
ChannelTreeManager. addChannels(StringBuilder result, StringBuilder parentChannelIds, Map<String,List<>> channelChildren, ILocalizationManager localizationManager, IResource resource, SessionConfig sessionConfig, String primaryServiceInstanceId, ITransaction transaction)
IChannelChildProvider. getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String parentChannelIds, boolean hidePages, boolean hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
Given a set of parentChannelIds, this method is responsible for returning a List of the children.List<IChannelChild>
PageProvider. getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String parentChannelIds, boolean hidePages, boolean hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
IChannelChildProvider. getChildrenData(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String channelId, int hideItems, int hideItemTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
Given a parentChannelId, this method is responsible for returning a List of the children.List<IChannelChild>
PageProvider. getChildrenData(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String channelId, int hideItems, int hideItemTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.controller
Classes in lumis.portal.controller that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for controllersConstructors in lumis.portal.controller with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ControllerException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ControllerException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.controller with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ControllerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ControllerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.dao
Classes in lumis.portal.dao that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Strings resource for Data Access Objects messagesConstructors in lumis.portal.dao with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description DaoException(String arg0, IResource resource)
DaoException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.dao with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description DaoException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
DaoException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.deployment
Classes in lumis.portal.deployment that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Deployment backend string resource. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.deployment.exception
Constructors in lumis.portal.deployment.exception with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description DeploymentInProgressException(String arg0, IResource resource)
DeploymentInProgressException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String arg0, IResource resource)
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String arg0, IResource resource)
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.deployment.exception with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description DeploymentInProgressException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
DeploymentInProgressException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
IllegalModuleArchiveException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
IllegalPackageArchiveException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.el
Methods in lumis.portal.el with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description protected static String
PortalFunctionMapper. localize(IResource baseResource, String[] args)
Resolves the string.protected static String
PortalFunctionMapper. localize(IResource baseResource, PageWebResource pwr, String[] args)
Resolves the string. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.file
Classes in lumis.portal.file that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for the portal's file component.Methods in lumis.portal.file that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description static IResource
FileUtil. getFileResource()
Returns the file resource.Constructors in lumis.portal.file with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description FileValidationException(String message, IResource resource)
FileValidationException(String message, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.file with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description FileValidationException(String message, List<IResource> resources)
FileValidationException(String message, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.incontextedit
Classes in lumis.portal.incontextedit that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
used in in context edit. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess
Constructors in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description MandatoryStepIgnoredException(String arg0, IResource resource)
MandatoryStepIgnoredException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
ProcessNotOwnedException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ProcessNotOwnedException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.interactiveprocess with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description MandatoryStepIgnoredException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
MandatoryStepIgnoredException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
ProcessNotOwnedException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ProcessNotOwnedException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.localization
Classes in lumis.portal.localization that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Generic string resource that initially is created without any string resource path.Methods in lumis.portal.localization with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description void
GenericStringResource. addAllResourcePaths(IResource resource)
Adds all resource paths of the givenIResource
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource)
Localizes the given string id using the given resource and current locale.String
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource, Locale locale)
Localizes the given string id using the given resource and locale.String
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource, Locale locale, WebResource webResource)
Localizes the given string id using the given resource,WebResource
and locale.String
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource, PageWebResource pageWebResource)
Localizes the given string id using the given resource,PageWebResource
and current locale.String
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource)
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource, Locale locale)
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource, Locale locale, WebResource webResource)
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, IResource resource, PageWebResource pageWebResource)
Method parameters in lumis.portal.localization with type arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description String
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources)
Localizes the given string id using the given resources and current locale.String
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources, Locale locale)
Localizes the given string id using the given resources and locale.String
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources, Locale locale, WebResource pageWebResource)
Localizes the given string id using the given resources,WebResource
and locale.String
ILocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources, PageWebResource pageWebResource)
Localizes the given string id using the given resources,PageWebResource
and current locale.String
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources)
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources, Locale locale)
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources, Locale locale, WebResource webResource)
LocalizationManager. localize(String id, List<IResource> resources, PageWebResource pageWebResource)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.manager
Classes in lumis.portal.manager that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Constructors in lumis.portal.manager with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ManagerException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ManagerException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.manager with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ManagerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ManagerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in
Methods in with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IChannelChild>
IPageDao. getChannelsChildren(String parentChannelIds, boolean hidePages, boolean hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
PageDaoHib. getChannelsChildren(String parentChannelIds, boolean hidePages, boolean hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
IPageDao. getChildrenData(String channelId, int hidePages, int hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
PageDaoHib. getChildrenData(String channelId, int hidePages, int hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.presentation
Fields in lumis.portal.presentation declared as IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected IResource
PresentationControllerHtml. resource
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal
Classes in lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for the lumis.portal.principal.importprincipal package. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.progress
Classes in lumis.portal.progress that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for progress -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.serialization
Classes in lumis.portal.serialization that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for serializationMethods in lumis.portal.serialization that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
BaseSerializationContext. getResource()
Constructors in lumis.portal.serialization with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description SerializationAbortedException(String arg0, IResource resource)
SerializationAbortedException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
SerializationException(String arg0, IResource resource)
SerializationException(String arg0, IResource resource, boolean notifyProgress)
SerializationException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
SerializationException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException, boolean notifyProgress)
SerializationSimulationException(String arg0, IResource resource)
SerializationSimulationException(String arg0, IResource resource, boolean notifyProgress)
SerializationSimulationException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
SerializationSimulationException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException, boolean notifyProgress)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.service
Classes in lumis.portal.service that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for servicesMethods in lumis.portal.service that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
ServiceConfig. getResource()
Constructors in lumis.portal.service with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ServiceException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ServiceException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.service with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ServiceException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ServiceException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.servicecontainer
Classes in lumis.portal.servicecontainer that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Resource to retrieve service container stringsConstructors in lumis.portal.servicecontainer with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ServiceContainerException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ServiceContainerException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.servicecontainer with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ServiceContainerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ServiceContainerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.serviceinstance
Methods in lumis.portal.serviceinstance with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IChannelChild>
IServiceInstanceDao. getChannelsChildren(String parentChannelIds, boolean hideItems, String serviceId, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc. getChannelsChildren(String parentChannelIds, boolean hideItems, String serviceId, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
IServiceInstanceDao. getChildrenData(String channelId, int hidePages, String serviceId, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
ServiceInstanceDaoJdbc. getChildrenData(String channelId, int hidePages, String serviceId, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.serviceinterface
Methods in lumis.portal.serviceinterface that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
ServiceInterfaceConfig. getResource()
Constructors in lumis.portal.serviceinterface with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ServiceInterfaceException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ServiceInterfaceException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portal.serviceinterface with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ServiceInterfaceException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ServiceInterfaceException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance
Constructors in lumis.portal.serviceinterfaceinstance with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description CacheKeyProviderClassNotFoundException(String className, IResource resource, Exception cause)
Constructor. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.taglib
Methods in lumis.portal.taglib that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description static IResource
AddResourceTag. getResource(PageContext pageContext)
Returns the resource set in the current page through this tag. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.portal.theme
Methods in lumis.portal.theme with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description static void
ThemeUtil. addNewTheme(String themeName, String themeDescription, String themePath, String moduleId, IResource resource)
Uses of IResource in
Constructors in with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description InvalidWebsiteURLException(String msg, IResource resource)
Uses of IResource in lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.tag
Methods in lumis.portalmanagement.doui.control.tag that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
TagControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.portlet
Classes in lumis.portlet that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for lumis/portlet/strings/strings.Constructors in lumis.portlet with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description PortletException(String arg0, IResource resource)
PortletException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.portlet with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description PortletException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
PortletException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in
Classes in that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, was replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata.Constructors in with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description SearchException(String arg0, IResource resource)
Deprecated.SearchException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Deprecated.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description SearchException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
Deprecated.SearchException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Deprecated. -
Uses of IResource in
Classes in that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Deprecated.Since 8.1.0, was replaced by lumis.portal.bigdata. -
Uses of IResource in
Classes in that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Analytics service string resource path. -
Uses of IResource in
Methods in with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description static String
UserMonitorFieldsCSVEnum. getLabel(String fullIdElasticSearchField, IResource resource)
Get localized label for the field.String
UserMonitorFieldsCSVEnum. getLabel(IResource resource)
Get localized label for the field. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.autoadministration.control
Methods in lumis.service.autoadministration.control that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
WorkflowSendToControl. getControlResource()
Methods in lumis.service.autoadministration.control that return types with arguments of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IResource>
WorkflowMetaDataControl. getResources()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.callcenteronline
Fields in lumis.service.callcenteronline declared as IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected IResource
ColProcessActionHandler. colResource
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.chatroom
Fields in lumis.service.chatroom declared as IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected IResource
AddChatRoomProcessActionHandler. chatRoomResource
protected IResource
EditChatRoomProcessActionHandler. chatRoomResource
protected IResource
ParticipateProcessActionHandler. chatRoomResource
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks
Classes in lumis.service.content.publishtosocialnetworks that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
This string resource is used by Social Network Integration frontend. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.document
Fields in lumis.service.document declared as IResource Modifier and Type Field Description protected IResource
DocumentManager. resource
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.document.control
Methods in lumis.service.document.control that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
DocumentPickerControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.doui.propertybag
Methods in lumis.service.doui.propertybag that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description protected IResource
PropertyBagProcessActionHandler. getResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository
Constructors in lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description UnresolvedVariableException(String arg0, IResource resource)
UnresolvedVariableException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.service.emailtemplaterepository with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description UnresolvedVariableException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
UnresolvedVariableException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.htmlevaluation
Methods in lumis.service.htmlevaluation that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description protected IResource
URLAccessibilityEvaluationProcessActionHandler. getResource()
Uses of IResource in
Methods in that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
MediaPickerControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.navigation
Fields in lumis.service.navigation declared as IResource Modifier and Type Field Description static IResource
Navigation service string resource. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui
Methods in lumis.service.pagepersonalization.doui with parameters of type IResource Modifier and Type Method Description List<IChannelChild>
ServiceInstanceProvider. getChannelsChildren(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String parentChannelIds, boolean hidePages, boolean hidePageTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
ServiceInstanceProvider. getChildrenData(SessionConfig sessionConfig, String channelId, int hideItems, int hideItemTemplates, IResource resource, Locale locale, ITransaction transaction)
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl
Methods in lumis.service.portalmanagement.genericacl that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
GenericAclControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction
Methods in lumis.service.portalmanagement.mobileapp.doui.processaction that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
AddMobileAppProcessActionHandler. getStringResource()
EditMobileAppProcessActionHandler. getStringResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.portalmanagement.server
Methods in lumis.service.portalmanagement.server that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
EnviromentPropertiesControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.control
Methods in lumis.service.portalmanagement.socialnetwork.doui.control that return IResource Modifier and Type Method Description IResource
SelectPageControl. getControlResource()
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.uframe
Classes in lumis.service.uframe that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for the lumis.service.uframe package. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.service.webserviceviewer
Constructors in lumis.service.webserviceviewer with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description WebServiceViewerException(String arg0, IResource resource)
WebServiceViewerException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.service.webserviceviewer with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description WebServiceViewerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
WebServiceViewerException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.socialnetworkintegration
Classes in lumis.socialnetworkintegration that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
This string resource is used by Social Network Integration backend. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.upgrade
Classes in lumis.upgrade that implement IResource Modifier and Type Class Description class
String resource for lumis/upgrade. -
Uses of IResource in lumis.util
Constructors in lumis.util with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description EnumException(String arg0, IResource resource)
EnumException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.util with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description EnumException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
EnumException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)
Uses of IResource in lumis.util.parse
Constructors in lumis.util.parse with parameters of type IResource Constructor Description ParseException(String arg0, IResource resource)
ParseException(String arg0, IResource resource, Exception innerException)
Constructor parameters in lumis.util.parse with type arguments of type IResource Constructor Description ParseException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources)
ParseException(String arg0, List<IResource> resources, Exception innerException)