complexType "response"
complex, 3 attributes, 5 elements
definitions of 1 attribute and 5 elements
XML Representation Summary
("parameterValue" | "attributeValue")
Content Elements (5):
destPageId (type xsd:string),
interfaceId (type xsd:string),
script (type xsd:string),
url (type xsd:string)
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
Known Usage Locations
XML Source
<xsd:complexType name="response">
<xsd:sequence maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="script" type="xsd:string">
Must be specified if the type of the response is doui_runJavascript.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="interfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Used when the response type is doui_hyperLink. Identifies the interface id (id may be relative to the current service) of the destination interface that the user must be taken to.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="destPageId" type="xsd:string">
Used when the response type is doui_popupInterface. Identifies the pageId that the popup will be opened in. If specified this value usually is LumisBlankPage.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="url" type="xsd:string">
Used when the response type is doui_hyperLink. Specifies the url that the user must be redirected to.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="parameters">
<xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="parameter">
Used when the response type is
. Each parameter node represents a response parameter name/value pair. If no value node is specified, the text value of this node is used as the parameter value.
<xsd:element name="value">
value of the parameter. If not specified the text value of the parameter node is used.
<xsd:attribute name="type">
If not specified, the value is considered the text value of the value node.
If specified, the possible values are
: the value is taken from the request parameters passed to the process action. The text value of the value node represents the parameter name.
: the value is taken from the current request attributes. The text value of the value node represents the attribute name.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="parameterValue"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="attributeValue"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
<xsd:documentation>name of the parameter</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="responseType" use="required">
Possible response types.
: Closes the current window.
: Used to redirect the browser to another page / url after the process action. In addition parameters may be passed to the destination page.
: Displays a message to the end user. This type requires a
attribute to be specified. This message will be translated to the users current language.
: Used to popup an interface after the process action. In addition parameters may be passed to the popped up interface.
: Displays another window with the preview of the data being edited.
: Refreshes the parent window.
: Runs the javascript specified in the
node within the reponse.
: Used primarily to share data between different process actions. Sets parameter values in the request attributes. These attributes may be read by subsequent process actions with the same id.
: Sets all the current parameters values to the following render request to the current interface.
: Sets the specified parameters to the following render request to the current interface.
: Used in standard add and edit administration interfaces. This response detects whether the current interface is a popup or an embedded interface. If popup, this response is equivalent to a doui_refreshParent response followed by a doui_closeWindow response. If embedded, this response detects where the administration list interface is located and redirects the portal to the page that contains that interface.
: Used in interfaces that are embedded within portal pages. This is equivalent to a doui_setRequestParameters response.
: Used interfaces that are within popup windows. This internally is converted to two responses. One doui_refreshParent response followed by one doui_closeWindow response.
<xsd:attribute name="message" type="xsd:string"/>
Attribute Detail (defined in this component only)
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="message" type="xsd:string"/>
Content Element Detail
Used when the response type is doui_popupInterface. Identifies the pageId that the popup will be opened in. If specified this value usually is LumisBlankPage.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="destPageId" type="xsd:string">
Used when the response type is doui_popupInterface. Identifies the pageId that the popup will be opened in. If specified this value usually is LumisBlankPage.

Used when the response type is doui_hyperLink. Identifies the interface id (id may be relative to the current service) of the destination interface that the user must be taken to.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="interfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Used when the response type is doui_hyperLink. Identifies the interface id (id may be relative to the current service) of the destination interface that the user must be taken to.

embedded, complex content
locally, within this complexType

Must be specified if the type of the response is doui_runJavascript.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="script" type="xsd:string">
Must be specified if the type of the response is doui_runJavascript.

Used when the response type is doui_hyperLink. Specifies the url that the user must be redirected to.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="url" type="xsd:string">
Used when the response type is doui_hyperLink. Specifies the url that the user must be redirected to.

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