element <permission>
embedded complexType
empty, 2 attributes
locally at 1 location
definitions of 2 attributes
XML Representation Summary
("assignedTo" | "all" | "viewAll" | "viewCreatedBy")
May be included in elements (1):
Usage / Definition Locations
A permission specification. It is composed of id and a scope. The id is a workflow role id. The scope defines the users in that role a proper permission. There are four Scope types to be explained below. - assignedTo - . The scope defines if users in that role has permission only if the content is assigned to the user, one of his groups or none; - all - . If users in that role has permission to access all contents regardless of their assigned to; - viewCreatedBy - . If users in that role has permission to view only his contents, but without permission to edit them or create a new content; - viewAll - If users in that role has permission to view all contents but without permission to edit them or create a new content.
XML Source
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="permission">
A permission specification. It is composed of
id and a scope. The id is a workflow role id.
The scope defines the users in that role a proper permission. There are four Scope types to be explained below.
- assignedTo - . The scope defines if users in that role has permission only if the content is assigned to
the user, one of his groups or none; - all - . If users in that role has
permission to access all contents regardless of their assigned
to; - viewCreatedBy - . If users in that role has permission to view only his contents, but
without permission to edit them or create a new content; - viewAll - If users in that role has permission to view all contents but
without permission to edit them or create a new content.
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The role id for this permission. Must be
equal to the id of a role defined for the workflow.
<xsd:attribute name="scope" type="stateScopeTypes" use="required">
The scope for this permission.
Attribute Detail
The role id for this permission. Must be equal to the id of a role defined for the workflow.
locally, within this element
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The role id for this permission. Must be
equal to the id of a role defined for the workflow.

The scope for this permission.
locally, within this element
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="scope" type="stateScopeTypes" use="required">
The scope for this permission.

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